Livia Wick is an Associate Professor of Anthropology in the Sociology, Anthropology and Media Studies Department at the American University of Beirut. She grew up in Ramallah, Palestine, earned a BA from Brown University, an MA from the Institut National des Langues and Civilisations Orientales in Paris and PhD from MIT. She started working at AUB in 2007. Her research and teaching interests are the Anthropology of medicine, science, birth, gender, war, oral history and infrastructure. She conducted field research in Palestine and Lebanon. The Wenner Gren Foundation and the Palestinian American Research Center have supported her work. Her book project explores birth during the Second Intifada (uprising) in Palestine. It follows stories about birth in various sites of the medical infrastructure in the Central West Bank, from hospitals, to village clinics and homes. It explores the lives and work of new mothers, doctors, midwives, nurses and families in a context of shrinking, militarized spaces. In September 2020, she started directing the Reproductive Health Working Group in Arab Countries and Turkey (RHWG).
The network is flexibly structured and is composed of:
The network is supported by a Consultative Committee represented by long time RHWG members based in Lebanon, Occupied Palestinian Territory, Qatar, and Turkey who provide support to the Director since 2019.
- Ayşecan Terzioğlu, Faculty Member, Cultural Studies Program, and Gender Studies Program, Faculty of Arts and Social Sciences, Sabanci University, Turkey
- Hanan Abdul Rahim, Associate Professor and Dean, College of Health Sciences, Qatar University, Qatar
- Jocelyn DeJong, Professor, Department of Epidemiology and Population Health, Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut, Lebanon
- Weeam S Hammoudeh, Assistant Professor, Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University, Occupied Palestinian Territory
- Yeşim Yasin, Assistant Professor, Department of Public Health, School of Medicine, Acibadem University, Turkey
RHWG Network members
RHWG Network Members are based across the region including the Arab countries and Turkey. They are currently from Egypt, Jordan, Lebanon, Morocco, Occupied Palestine Territory, Oman, Sudan, Syria, Tunisia, Turkey, Yemen. The network also includes individuals from these countries who are based in North America and Europe.
They belong to different disciplines and fields of inquiry, including the medical profession as well as the disciplines of public health, sociology, anthropology, population, and demography.
They share an interest in linking to the group and in the exchange of ideas and in the production of high quality research that focuses on reproductive health and other research interests relevant to the region which are culturally sensitive, and inform policy formulation in the region.