The RHWG was initiated by a committee on reproductive health that was formed at the Population Council's West Asia and North Africa regional office (WANA) in 1988, when the group had its first meeting in Egypt. The Founding Members of RHWG supported a broader view of demographic studies and a population policy, allowing women’s reproductive health due attention. At that time, the challenge entailed widening the domain of population policy beyond family planning to include initiatives for promoting safe motherhood and child survival.
Until September 2019, RHWG was sustained by a flexible operation led by a Coordinator, Professor Jocelyn DeJong from the Faculty of Health Sciences, American University of Beirut (FHS/AUB), and a volunteer consultative committee composed of Professor Huda Zurayk from FHS/AUB, the founder of the network, Professor Belgin Tekce from Bogazici University in Turkey, Dr. Hyam Bashour from Syria, Dr. Atf Gherissi from Tunis-El Manar University, and Professor Rita Giacaman from the Institute of Community and Public Health, Birzeit University in the occupied Palestinian territories.